Answers from “Grasshopper”?#1

Filed under:☯Answers From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on May 27, 2005 @ 4:05 am

When people find out that I have lived on Okinawa for just about forever, I often get asked if my household is American or Japanese style. I find the question a little perplexing since it is an indicator of someone who has probably never lived around a foreigner in America. When I was growing up it was very common to meet foreign spouses of service members that were friends of my parents. The one thing I found in common amongst the foreign wives was that their manner of maintaining household duties didn’t change much from the activities they would do in their native lands, such as cooking. The style of cooking was usually the same as what they grew up with. So when people ask if I cook Japanese or Okinawan style foods, I simply reply not really. The way I see it is that particular type of cooking is available at most of the local eateries, so if I’m looking to munch down on some tempura on any given night, I just go to a local eatery. But the types of eats that I grew up with are not so common over here, so that’s what I cook at home.

Questions from “Grasshopper”?#8

Filed under:☯Questions From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on May 25, 2005 @ 4:09 am

Many people believe that the philosophy of “no rules” governs people’s actions on Okinawa. Do you realize that this is a belief in perhaps what is the ultimate facade? If a person believes in the philosophy of ” no rules” to the point that it governs their behavior and actions, than aren’t they are following the “rule” of “no rules”?

Questions from “Grasshopper”?#7

Filed under:☯Questions From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on May 3, 2005 @ 2:14 am

One often hears the locals say it’s all about happiness. But in modern times it isn’t uncommon to find people whose idea of happiness is causing other people misery. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to say you wish tranquility (an inner calm) for others?

Questions from “Grasshopper”?#6

Filed under:☯Questions From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on April 24, 2005 @ 8:59 am

When an adult (say someone over thirty years of age) spends all night partying, drinking, and neglecting the consequences of that behavior seven days a week, do you really think babying is going to help anything? When that person ends up sick, why shouldn’t he or she take responsibility and be held accountable for their own choice to neglect their health?

Questions from “Grasshopper”?#5

Filed under:☯Questions From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on April 20, 2005 @ 2:53 am

One aspect of the locals that most foreigners quickly notice is the “enthusiastic” and “fun loving” characteristics projected in almost every situation. But that seems to be one of the more confusing aspects of the culture as well. This animated behavior can be cute in young women up to the mid-twenties. However, the inability to communicate in a straightforward, non-catty manner after that age is less attractive, and almost ridiculous. The fact that this type of behavior is promoted in both men and women well over the age of 30 as “cute” somehow tends to undermine the ability to take anything these types of locals do or say as anything other than nonsense. Is it possible for an entire culture to be “histrionic”?

Questions from “Grasshopper”?#4

Filed under:☯Questions From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on April 12, 2005 @ 9:40 pm

In college I majored in Asian Studies. One of the things we learned is that the local culture tends to adopt systems that meet their needs better than existing systems. In religion that seems to be the adoption of Christianity for many of the locals. However, when one adopts a system to meet needs are they really a true follower or just using the program to get what they want? Given that thought, for people who are raised with the theology does Christianity mean being naive?

Questions from “Grasshopper”?#3

Filed under:☯Questions From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on March 30, 2005 @ 5:36 am

On Okinawa fads seem to govern the masses, whatever is the new thing rules until the next new thing comes along. Whatever that current fad is, there are always people who try to jump on the wagon. Is there an understanding of the difference between really liking something that one has no say in and being obsessed with something one has no say in?

Questions from“Grasshopper”?#2

Filed under:☯Questions From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on March 23, 2005 @ 1:46 am

Okinawans have very many charming sayings. Some of which are “Children are for playing, money isn’t;” “Once we have talked we are friends;” and “A smooth talker is no good.” But if you talk once to a person who is a smooth talker, is that person a friend who is no good? What if you talk to the smooth talker many times? Does that make the person a close friend who is no good? Is there a word in the local dialect for acquaintance? I haven’t been able to find that particular phrase.

Questions from “Grasshopper”☯#1

Filed under:☯Questions From,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on March 16, 2005 @ 1:43 am

Last night I read an article in an English language Japanese newspaper that discussed the Japanese female view of youthfulness and adulthood. The article raised some interesting thoughts. Somehow the article seemed to hit a note in my observations of the local society. In Japan is youthfulness viewed merely as a state of physical appearance and outward childish behavior? Is being an adult viewed as a status where females substitute the direction of consumerism from inexpensive bobbles to “prove” their maturity by displaying expensive trinkets? Or, on the other hand, is youthfulness a state of mind where a person retains the inquisitiveness of a child constantly seeking a better understanding of the world that they live in? And maturity merely a progression of the mental state where a person has learned to apply past experiences to their and society’s advantage when facing the challenges of life?

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