I Can See Clearly, Well Almost!
This week I took another step into the wide world of modern technology, webcam phone calls. Thanks to the very uncomplicated new Yahoo Messenger program, I am now able to view my family while I talk to them. It’s great!!! Years ago I never would have imagined such a simple way to stay in touch with loved ones over all the miles would happen so soon. (Even though camera phones were predicted to be a part of daily life in the 21st century way back in the caveman days – the late 1960s.) I can remember when making an international call was an all day event. I used to have to call the international operator, wait for ten to twelve hours for a response – when they were attempting to make the connection, and then pray that someone was at home at the other end. If you have never given it a try, don’t wade just jump in because there’s nothing like it!
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