Today’s Current Weather Conditions #147
Thursday October 27, 2005 [PC (18/365) LW (14/365) SH (12/365)]
October 2005 Total:
S-sunny (4/365) C-cloudy (6/365) PC-partly cloudy (18/365)
D-drizzle (2/365) R-rainy (5/365) SR-scattered rain showers (1/365)
W-windy (11/365) LW-light winds (14/365)
H-humid (8/365) SH-slightly humid (12/365)
This Year�s (June 3, 2005 – June 2, 2006) Total:
S- sunny (27/365) C-cloudy (37/365) PC-partly cloudy (83/365)
D-drizzle (9/365) R-rainy (5/365) SR-scattered rain showers (13/365)
W-windy (44/365) LW-light winds (79/365) VW-very windy (5/365)
H-humid (65/365) SH-slightly humid (73/365)
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Weather in La Palma Calif, Cool, cloudy temp 68f
It appears I may have over done it or something on the medusa
thread, I’m sorry. 🙁
Have a great life
Comment by Steve — October 28, 2005 @ 9:21 am
You didn’t over do anything, no reason to apologize. It’s just if a person needs or wants info on members of a band, I think one shouldn’t rely just on hearsay. Instead, that person should go to the source. And if one is trying to catch up or reminisce with old friends, then isn’t it better to contact them if a way is made available?
Comment by JAWjaw — October 28, 2005 @ 9:31 am
Yes I agree. The email address is rejecting my mail from Yahoo and my comcast accout. I do want to thank you for passing on what you know. It was nice to hear that they are doing ok in music. I’ve posted all my pictures and a 2nd mp3 song. I just thought they may want to take a look.
Comment by Steve — October 28, 2005 @ 9:47 am
I thought the address looked a little strange, but it was taken directly from the paper with the address that was given to me (and passed on to whomever reads this site) as the e-mail contact address of choice. And since I am not Medusa’s or Marie’s assistant, all I can suggest is trying to find another contact point on the net. I’m sorry that the info provided to me wasn’t any help.
Comment by JAWjaw — October 28, 2005 @ 10:07 am
It looks like a valid address, what I get is
Permanent Failure: 554_:_Recipient_address_rejected:_Access_denied
Delivery last attempted at Mon, 17 Oct 2005 03:17:18 -0000
Anyway I’ve learned more that I thought I would thanks to your help. I found your site doing a google search on Medusa, Perhaps they’ll find mine the same way. See what happens when you turn 50, your mind makes you jump back 25 years remembering the past. Take care and enjoy life
Comment by Steve — October 28, 2005 @ 10:24 am
From what I’ve seen of your site, I’m sure the search engines will be picking it up in no time. By the way, I am 50!!!LOL
Comment by JAWjaw — October 28, 2005 @ 10:43 am
Off the subject a bit but definetely worth Blogging about,Have you been following the Base realignment issues?.If they Pan out 5-10 years the complexity of Okinawa will be entirely different Ha?.
Comment by Bradley Lietha — October 28, 2005 @ 4:38 pm
Are you talking about this? Still a lot of negotiating left on it. And since I don’t get into politics, I’ll just take it as it comes.
Comment by JAWjaw — October 28, 2005 @ 5:18 pm