Today’s Current Weather Conditions #110
Tuesday September 20, 2005 [PC (17/365) LW (10/365) H (13/365) ]
September 2005 Total:
C-cloudy (2/365) PC-partly cloudy (17/365)
D-drizzle (2/365) SR-scattered rain showers (2/365)
W-windy (5/365) LW-light winds (10/365) VW-very windy (2/365)
H-humid (13/365) SH-slightly humid (7/365)
This Year�s (June 3, 2005 – June 2, 2006) Total:
S-sunny (23/365) C-cloudy (30/365) PC-partly cloudy (57/365)
D-drizzle (6/365) R-rainy (4/365) SR-scattered rain showers (11/365)
W-windy (31/365) LW-light winds (59/365) VW-very windy (5/365)
H-humid (53/365) SH-slightly humid (55/365)
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As I read this weather report,It is time for a Cool Change,As least thats what the Little River Band said In 1979 and today because I am listening to them while changing front Fork seals on a Bike.Just a little add on BLOG for you Dawn and Taki-san.
Comment by Brad Lietha — September 20, 2005 @ 2:21 pm
Yep, I think we all could use a break from the incessant humidity!!!
Comment by JAWjaw — September 20, 2005 @ 5:10 pm
A typhoon would cure that Ha?.Hopefully This customers bike I,m working on is going back together right,As I am getting my weekly dose of the BEE GEES,Being an Okinawan bike he might not understand there type HEHE
Comment by Brad Lietha — September 21, 2005 @ 4:33 pm