I’m a Man
The other night I was watching Jay Leno interview Bill Maher. Bill, a self-professed man of liking 50 and the single life, had three items of advice for women. Two of them really seemed to hit the mark as far as I, a woman of similar number of years, am concerned. The remarks may sound a bit chauvinistic, but my observations lead to similar conclusions. One remark was that if the man hasn’t commited in eighteen months, chances are it’s not going to happen, move on. The other remark was that approximately 75% of men are incapable of being monogamous. I would add, it’s even harder to find a man who doesn’t think the ends justify the means, whatever they may be. So unless you are looking for that type of man, if you are lucky enough to find one of the rare men who actually have a conscience, hang on to him it’s well worth it.
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