Today’s Current Weather Conditions #283

Filed under:To Shine or Not to Shine☀-March 2006 — posted by JAWjaw on March 12, 2006 @ 3:01 pm

Sunday March 12, 2006 [C(7/365) LW(6/365)]

March 2006 Total:
S-sunny (2/365) C-cloudy (7/365) PC-partly cloudy (3/365)
D-drizzle (1/365) R-rainy (2/365)
W-windy (4/365) LW-light winds (6/365) VW-very windy (1/365)

This Year�s (June 3, 2005 – June 2, 2006)Total:
S- sunny (44/365) C-cloudy (112/365) PC-partly cloudy (127/365)
D-drizzle (29/365) R-rainy (13/365) SR-scattered rain showers (22/365)
W-windy (89/365) LW-light winds (146/365) VW-very windy (10/365)
H-humid (68/365) SH-slightly humid (82/365)

The Big Chill

Filed under:★2006,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on @ 2:58 pm

Well as if Winter had to make a final statement, the few bright,sunny, and warm days we had have disappeared. And the North Winds have begun once more, just to remind us that it’s not Spring yet.

Today’s Current Weather Conditions #282

Filed under:To Shine or Not to Shine☀-March 2006 — posted by JAWjaw on March 11, 2006 @ 1:04 pm

Saturday March 11, 2006 [C(6/365) LW(5/365)]

March 2006 Total:
S-sunny (2/365) C-cloudy (6/365) PC-partly cloudy (3/365)
D-drizzle (1/365) R-rainy (2/365)
W-windy (4/365) LW-light winds (5/365) VW-very windy (1/365)

This Year�s (June 3, 2005 – June 2, 2006)Total:
S- sunny (44/365) C-cloudy (111/365) PC-partly cloudy (127/365)
D-drizzle (29/365) R-rainy (13/365) SR-scattered rain showers (22/365)
W-windy (88/365) LW-light winds (146/365) VW-very windy (10/365)
H-humid (68/365) SH-slightly humid (82/365)

Today’s Current Weather Conditions #281

Filed under:To Shine or Not to Shine☀-March 2006 — posted by JAWjaw on March 10, 2006 @ 1:07 pm

Friday March 10, 2006 [PC(3/365) LW(4/365)]

March 2006 Total:
S-sunny (2/365) C-cloudy (5/365) PC-partly cloudy (3/365)
D-drizzle (1/365) R-rainy (2/365)
W-windy (4/365) LW-light winds (4/365) VW-very windy (1/365)

This Year�s (June 3, 2005 – June 2, 2006)Total:
S- sunny (44/365) C-cloudy (110/365) PC-partly cloudy (127/365)
D-drizzle (29/365) R-rainy (13/365) SR-scattered rain showers (22/365)
W-windy (88/365) LW-light winds (145/365) VW-very windy (10/365)
H-humid (68/365) SH-slightly humid (82/365)

The Dream Goes On…

Filed under:★2006,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on March 9, 2006 @ 5:21 pm

Oprah had a very interesting topic on today. It concerned the interracial relationships of African American females and non-African American males. I guess there’s a new movie that approaches the still uncommon subject.

As a female who chose a mate outside of the stereotypical demographics, I offer these comments for others to contemplate:

1) I didn’t choose my mate as an act of disgruntled abandonment of my “race” or “culture”. I chose this man because of who he is. If prior to meeting my husband, I had met some other male with the same attributes as my husband and we hit it off (as my husband and I did), then I probably would have ended-up with that person. But that’s not what happened.

2) Maybe I got all the “dream” stuff and Rosa stuff wrong. As a person who grew-up in the ’60s, I took the dream to be one of accepting and respecting people for who they are, regardless of race, gender, or culture. To me that means, taking a close look at the character of an individual instead of the outward image of each person. I don’t remember it having anything to do with, “that’s unless it’s outside of a specified race or culture.”

3) Any one of us is a minority under given circumstances. I have been living the life, and tribulations, of a minority for most of the past thirty-three years. (I am a white, American woman, married to a Japanese national, and we reside in his home territory of Okinawa, Japan.) For the majority of that time I have had no association with the DOD, but have been a registered alien resident and lived within the local culture.

4)The only time couples who are in these atypical relationships seem to have abnormal marital difficulties is when other people outside of the relationship seem to think they have a right to interfere in a personal relationship that has nothing to do with them. In other words, except for difficulties caused by a few really looney zealots, that don’t have any say in a couple’s personal life, other people’s prejudices and hang-ups are theirs. Don’t let their personal baggage become yours.

Today’s Current Weather Conditions #280

Filed under:To Shine or Not to Shine☀-March 2006 — posted by JAWjaw on @ 2:46 pm

Thursday March 9, 2006 [C(5/365) R(2/365) W(4/365)]

March 2006 Total:
S-sunny (2/365) C-cloudy (5/365) PC-partly cloudy (2/365)
D-drizzle (1/365) R-rainy (2/365)
W-windy (4/365) LW-light winds (3/365) VW-very windy (1/365)

This Year�s (June 3, 2005 – June 2, 2006)Total:
S- sunny (44/365) C-cloudy (110/365) PC-partly cloudy (126/365)
D-drizzle (29/365) R-rainy (13/365) SR-scattered rain showers (22/365)
W-windy (88/365) LW-light winds (144/365) VW-very windy (10/365)
H-humid (68/365) SH-slightly humid (82/365)

VM World

Filed under:Blogging for Newbies☄,Misc — posted by JAWjaw on March 8, 2006 @ 4:42 pm

Well, I’ve been working with the virtual machine for the past week. I was even able to get the Linux system working today. Although it is a little jerky as far as scrolling goes, and a little slow, I really enjoy using the machine. Each day I get the opportunity to learn a little more about how all this works. Now the challenge of a Linux system. I do know one thing, it is very different from Windows. Or maybe it’s just the lingo that’s different. Anyway, learning all of this is fun.

Today’s Current Weather Conditions #279

Filed under:To Shine or Not to Shine☀-March 2006 — posted by JAWjaw on @ 4:02 pm

Wednesday March 8, 2006 [C(4/365) W(3/365)]

March 2006 Total:
S-sunny (2/365) C-cloudy (4/365) PC-partly cloudy (2/365)
D-drizzle (1/365) R-rainy (1/365)
W-windy (3/365) LW-light winds (3/365) VW-very windy (1/365)

This Year�s (June 3, 2005 – June 2, 2006)Total:
S- sunny (44/365) C-cloudy (109/365) PC-partly cloudy (126/365)
D-drizzle (29/365) R-rainy (12/365) SR-scattered rain showers (22/365)
W-windy (87/365) LW-light winds (144/365) VW-very windy (10/365)
H-humid (68/365) SH-slightly humid (82/365)

Weekly Hogen☺ #37

Filed under:Language,Weekly Hogen☺2006 — posted by JAWjaw on @ 12:12 pm

Weekly Hogen (Okinawan Dialect) :

English – peach

Japanese – momo (??)

Hogen – mumu?(??)

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"What Good Thing Happened to You Today?"
a Just A Wife creation copyright ©2004 - 2021 D. E. Furugen. all rights reserved.
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